ACI EUROPE President, Arnaud Feist, gave a speech on the current outlook for the year ahead. More than 150 assembled guests were present, including representatives of the European Commission’s DG MOVE and DG Competition, as well as Members of the European Parliament and key people from EUROCONTROL and SESAR JU.
Olivier Jankovec, Director General, ACI EUROPE; Arnaud Feist, CEO Brussels Airport, and ACI EUROPE President; and Georges Bach MEP (Luxembourg).
Declan Collier, CEO London City Airport; Dag Falk-Petersen, CEO Avinor; and Torborg Chetkovich, CEO Swedavia.
Olivier Jankovec, Director General, ACI EUROPE; and Emmanuelle Maire, Head of Unit, Internal Market and Airports, European Commission.
Morgan Foulkes, Deputy Director General, ACI EUROPE; Thomas Langeland, Director, Avinor Kristiansand Airport, and Chair of ACI EUROPE's Regional Airports Forum; and Aerodrom Ljubljana’s Jure Meznarsic, Chair of the ACI EUROPE Policy Committee.
Arnaud Feist, CEO Brussels Airport, and ACI EUROPE President; Frank Brenner, Director General, EUROCONTROL; and Joe Sultana, COO, Directorate Network Management, EUROCONTROL.
Jos Nijhuis, President & CEO, Schiphol Group; Jim O’Sullivan, Managing Director, Airports Division, Heathrow Airport; and Matthew Baldwin, Director Air Transport, DG MOVE, European Commission.